OPTIONS -a, --ask ask for missing parameters -c, --colors auto|yes|no whether to use colors in output -e, --escape yes|no escape columns separators in values -f, --fields <field,...>|all|common specify fields to output -g, --get-values <field,...>|all|common shortcut for -m tabular -t -f -h, --helpprint this help -m, --mode tabular|multiline output mode -o, --overview overview mode -p, --pretty pretty output -s, --show-secrets allow displaying passwords -t, --terse terse output -v, --version show program version -w, --wait <seconds> settimeout waiting for finishing operations
OBJECT g[eneral] NetworkManager's general status and operations n[etworking] overall networking control r[adio] NetworkManager radio switches c[onnection] NetworkManager's connections d[evice] devices managed by NetworkManager a[gent] NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent m[onitor] monitor NetworkManager changes
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nmcli connection show NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE enp0s3 a3aaeb51-2a34-3ace-b48f-3d99c7f87415 ethernet enp0s3 enp0s8 ca02b8ec-fc8b-3c78-9f90-4697654bd7bb ethernet enp0s8 lo 29bf7cf7-8148-46ed-985a-1a4c9a2dbf8c loopback lo